The Fui Toong On Society is a non-profit community organization which has a long history with significant contribution to the community. It was founded in 1978 by immigrants mainly from Southern China and the West Indies with Hakka Heritage and culture deeply rooted in the 3 counties formerly known as Hui Yeung, Toong Guan and Bao On. Now they have grown into big, modern and industrial cities called Fuizhou City, Dong Guan City and ShenZen City respectively in Quangdong, China. So we take our name from HUI TOONG ON Society to reflect our ties and root with our cultural heritage.
To promote the Hakka Heritage, culture, vision and spirit and to uphold the welfare and well-being of our membership and community are the objective and mission of our Society.
Our programs and activities such as the celebration of festivals namely:
The Lunar New Year
Summer Picnic
Mid Autumn Festival
Senior’s Day
Anniversay/Christmas/New Year Banquet
These activities enhance education of Hakka Heritage to the younger generation and the quality of life of our membership. Our support for charity, racial harmony, social stability and multiculturasim are contributing to the betterment of our community and society. All our contributions together with the high distinction of our members have won recognition from many agencies, consequently, our members have, so far been conferred, a total of 21 medals, honors and awards such as the The Order of Canada.
Our Society is governed by two Boards; namely: The board of directors and the Board of Supervisors. Directors form the Board and the formal officers and so do the Supervisors. Directors and Supervisors are elected every 2 years.
The performance of our Society is, by any yardstick, remarkable, successful and outstanding. With sound financial resources, we can finance programs and activities to answer the wide array of interests and needs of our membership. It is our sincere wish that our young members will put forth their bright, constructive suggestions and vision so that together we can chart the colourful future of our Fui Toong On Society.
Fui Toong On stands proudly in Toronto testifying the versatility, industry, unity, co-operation and generosity of the Hakka People and radiates the Hakka Heritage, culture, vision and spirit in Canada.
Fui Toong On building is located at:
102 D’Arcy Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1K1